Wednesday, 29 September 2010

42 fat loss steps for the next 42 days

Lose 14lbs + of fat in 42 days following 42 simple steps - 1 for every day

There are many things you can do to lose body fat.  I have listed below 42 steps to help you achieve fat loss in 42 days.  These are very easy, simple changes and even if you input some of them you will see a change, although, if you input all of them, you would see a massive difference in your figure/physique.

So here is my list:

1.     Drink more water
2.     Eat more vegetables
3.     Eat smaller, regular meals
4.     Cut out sugary food
5.     Cut out bread, pasta, white potatoes and rice
6.     Eat more fruit
7.     Stop doing long duration, steady state aerobic exercise
8.     Start lifting heavier weights
9.     Add circuit training to your workout routines
10.  Be consistent in your fat loss pursuit
11.  Increase the intensity of you workouts
12.  Eat healthy fats
13.  Eat more protein based foods
14.  Drink green tea
15.  Get walking more
16.  Get more fiber in your diet
17.  Take a probiotic
18.  Do High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)
19.  Introduce Tabata workouts
20.  Stop eating fast food
21.  Plan your meals
22.  Do weekly food shops
23.  Buy clothes that you want to fit into
24.  Read food labels
25.  Take a before and after photo
26.  Set goals and time frames
27.  Avoid Trans Fats and high fructose corn syrup
28.  Start taking anti-oxidents and minerals
29.  Take body fat and circumference measurements
30.  Get plenty of sleep
31.  Change your lifestyle
32.  Tell friends and family
33.  Eat smaller portions
34.  Find out how many calories you need
35.  Don’t starve yourself
36.  Avoid alcohol
37.  Keep a food diary
38.  Use scales in the kitchen
39.  Eat breakfast
40.  Eat more nuts and seeds
41.  Do multi-joint weight exercises like squats, deadlifts and military presses

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